
Lynn Honeycutt latest Helping Teachers Teach winner

Lynn Honeycutt, German and Cyclone Experience teacher at Elizabethton High School, is the latest Northeast Community Credit Union Helping Teacher’s Teach grant winner.

Honeycutt plans use to the Helping Teacher’s Teach grant to make over the teacher workroom in the Career Technical Education Department. The renovation will also serve as a project for EHS Capstone or Community Involvement classes.

“2020 is a very stressful year for teachers and we are there at school more than ever,” Honeycutt said. “Most of our teachers are losing their classrooms during their planning periods for floating teachers to teach. We have several floating teachers who have their teaching supplies stored in closets. Having a nice, relaxing space to work would be so beneficial to our staff. This would highly improve mental health and morale, and teachers will come back to the classroom more relaxed and rejuvenated.”

Northeast Community Credit Union awards $300 every month to a classroom to be utilized for classroom needs, classroom activities, and academic enrichment. Helping Teachers Teach is open to teachers within Carter, Johnson, Unicoi, Sullivan and Washington counties who are members of Northeast Community Credit Union. Area teachers may become members online or at any NCCU location and can complete the grant application here.